Because our RauwPower yogourt is made from raw milk, it retains all the healthy properties of organic raw milk. But due to the 24-hour fermentation process, it has a much longer shelf life than 'normal' yogurt. In addition, there are a number of notable advantages:
Our yogourt is made from full-fat raw milk, to which a so-called AB yogourt culture has been added: in addition to the normal yogourt bacteria, it also contains the probiotic cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. These bacteria survive the stomach acid and therefore actually end up in the intestines. These bacteria help to bring the stomach and intestines into the right balance. The EFSA (European Food Safe Authority) recognizes that live yogurt bacteria aid in the digestion of lactose, even in people who are lactose intolerant.
Because our yogurt is not heated, it is slightly thinner than you may be used to. The AB yogurt culture used also produces thinner yogurt, and is the best culture for the intestinal flora. In addition, we do not add any thickeners or milk powder. Which is often done by others to thicken the yogurt. The taste is mild and creamy and has a mildly fragrant yogurt aroma. The fermentation time of our yogurt is 24 hours, which makes it easier to digest and less of a burden on the entire digestion process.
By using whole milk, our yogurt also contains much more vitamin K2, compared to skimmed and semi-skimmed yogurt. Fermentation of milk increases the tryptophan content. This amino acid is, among other things, the raw material of serotonin, a happiness hormone, which in turn is the precursor of the sleep hormone melatonin.
The ideal storage temperature for our products is 4 degrees Celsius. The PET bottle is free from BPA and phthalates.
The top of our range. Due to the longer fermentation time, ancient kefir is generally well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance.
Hangop (from kefir or yogurt) has a quark-like structure, a full taste and is very nutritious. Our hangop's are suitable for vegetarians.
Delicious fresh full creamy taste. Reminds me a bit of buttermilk. Not only good immediately after getting up, but also during the day. Thirst quenching.
We now also make RauwPower low-fat quark with up to 12.4% protein especially for athletes. So good for active people who use a lot of energy.
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